Transfer Your Number
Transfer your existing Canadian phone number to Fongo Mobile for $25. Every number transfer includes free bonus features for 2 months!
Is my phone number eligible?
Submit your phone number below to receive an immediate email and/or text message verifying that your number can be transferred. Not available for Fongo World Edition users.
Number Transfer Process
Submit Your Number Transfer
Submit your number transfer by logging in to your Fongo Mobile account here.
We Contact Your Provider
Fongo will contact your provider and get the number transferred on your behalf.
We recommend you don’t contact your provider to inform them of your transfer or cancelling your account with them before the transfer is completed.
Your Number is Transferred
We will notify you by email when your number has successfully transferred.
Please log out and log back in to the app after receiving confirmation.
Bonuses After Transferring
Once you transfer your number, the following packages will be automatically applied.